Written by: Isaac Grant

Moving to Miami is exciting. It’s a beautiful city in sunny Florida. And you must be anxious to get on with your relocation. But, in order for it to be successful, you need to properly prepare. Moving from Essex to Miami means that you have a lot of things to do. Especially because you are moving a completely different state. You need to make a good moving plan. And find the right moving company on Verified Movers for your relocation. Only then can you move worry-free. And start your new life in Miami the right way. Here’s a guide that will help you do it with ease. And with less stress than you are probably expecting.

Moving from Essex to Miami starts with a moving checklist

Moving to another city, and another state, in this case, requires good planning. You need to account for everything. From big-ticket items to the smallest details. And the best way to do it is by creating a moving checklist. It’s a list that will outline everything that you need to do. And when you need to do it. From how far in advance to book your movers to which packing supplies to buy. And there are many benefits to it. First, it will allow you to properly prepare, without forgetting about anything important. Second, it will make it easier for you to organize your entire relocation. And third, it will help you save money where you can.

couple consulting a moving checklist before moving from Essex to Miami

Having a moving checklist can make the whole relocation process a lot easier

Find quality movers for your relocation

While it might seem possible to do a DIY move to Miami, don’t do it. It doesn’t matter how much money you can save. Long distance moving companies Essex allow you to have enough time to say goodbye to your old home. And take care of a million other tasks related to your relocation. All the while providing you with a service that makes it a lot easier to move.

How to find reliable movers when moving from Essex to Miami?

Your search for reliable movers should start on the web. Just like any search these days. You need to be able to find out everything about long distance movers Miami you plan on hiring. And you need to take a good look at all the offers out there. And there are a lot of them. Some of them are great, others not so much. And some offers are simply too good to be true. You need to take a good look at the company you are about to hire. Because the last thing that you want is to hire a bad moving company. Or even worse, a fraudulent moving company.

happy couple looking for movers before moving from Essex to Miami

By finding a reliable moving company your relocation will be easy and stress-free

First, gather a few moving quotes for various moving companies that you like. See what prices they are offering you. Try with different moving dates and see if that gets you a better price. Once you find a company that you like, unless you are booking through a verified source, make sure you do a thorough background check.

Check their website and their online reviews. Make sure that they are honest, reliable, and trustworthy. Don’t stick to the five-star and one-star reviews. Look at the ones in the middle. It’s important not to book simply based on prices. Because that can get you in trouble.

It’s time to start saying goodbye to Essex

No matter how excited you might be for moving to Miami, it won’t be easy to leave your hometown. Especially when you have to start dealing with tasks that sever your connection to the old home. But, it needs to be done. So, once you know your exact moving date, it’s time to deal with it. Call your cable and internet company and cancel your subscription. Make sure you forward your mail. And cancel any other services tied to your current home. Make sure you schedule cancelations on the day you are moving out. But not before your movers leave. That way you’ll still have electricity and internet if you happen to need them.

Start researching Miami well before the move

While you are saying goodbye to your old home, it’s also time to start looking forward to your new one. So, you can start researching Miami as soon as possible. You probably already have a place to live. But, it doesn’t hurt to hop onto StreetView again to check out the neighborhood. See where the local bakery is. Check out nearby cafes. And study public transportation lines. It will all come very handy after moving from Essex to Miami.

happy couple packing before moving from Essex to Miami

Packing can be a long process. Make sure you set aside enough time for it.

Get ready for packing before moving from Essex to Miami

Make sure you set aside enough time to pack. It usually takes a long time to pack an entire life into moving boxes. But, with good planning and some packing secrets, you can finish in no time. It’s best to start packing as soon as you can. And start preparing other items that can’t be packed right away. First, make a list of everything that needs to be packed. And only then go shopping for packing supplies. That way you won’t waste your money or packing supplies. And will have a much easier time packing. Once everything is packed, all that is left for you to do is wait for movers to arrive.

Welcome to Miami!

Your movers have come and gone. And both you and your belongings have safely arrived in Miami. Now, it’s time to unpack your belongings. And start ticking off items from your post-move checklist But, most importantly, it’s time to enjoy your new life in Miami. And everything it has to offer. Visit the beach, explore the neighborhood, and start making new friends. Your move is over, but your life in Florida is just beginning.