Idaho is wealthy in history and resources, but that isn’t all it has to offer. The Gem State also has a tradition of agriculture and industry, as well as miles of mountainside and nature reservations. So, all in all, there is plenty of good qualities for every aspect of life. Hence, all that’s left is to identify the ideal cross country moving companies Idaho. And this is where reading Verified Movers reviews can be very helpful. Verified Movers offers a platform that has a database of almost 23,000 movers you can choose from. Of course, if you have a change of heart and opt for moving across Idaho, rather than leaving it, know that our database contains plenty of long distance moving companies Idaho. Have a look at our platform and find movers who can answer all your needs and wishes.

A lake in Idaho with a snowy mountain in the background

With a little help from Verified Movers, you’ll find cross-country moving companies Idaho that will successfully relocate you out of the Gem State.

Leaving Idaho With Professionals Doesn’t Have to Cost You a Fortune

Cross country relocations are never cheap. Whether you decide to move by yourself or with interstate moving companies Idaho, you will have to spend a certain amount of money. However, people often assume that the price is much higher than it is in reality. So, we want to show you how much it costs to leave the Gem State with cross country movers Idaho. The problem is that relocation costs depend on a whole variety of factors. If you are willing to share some basic information related to your move with us through the quote calculator option on our website, then we’ll give you the most accurate price we can.

Before you do that, while you’re here in this article, we want to show you the average price ranges for leaving Idaho. Since the distance is a big factor in determining the final cost of your move, we’ll cover 5 different moving destinations, so let’s jump into it.

  1. Moving from Idaho to Oregon; $1,900 – $3,500
  2. Moving from Idaho to Washington; $2,000 – $3,700
  3. Moving from Idaho to Colorado; $2,300 – $4,000
  4. Moving from Idaho to California; $2,400 – $4,300
  5. Moving from Idaho to Texas; $2,700 – $4,700

What Is the Difference Between Intrastate and Interstate Moving Companies?

Understanding the difference between intrastate and interstate moving companies is key when planning a move. Intrastate movers operate within one state’s boundaries. If your move does not cross state lines, you’ll likely work with one of these firms. They adhere to state regulations, which can vary widely. On the other hand, interstate moving companies handle moves that cross state lines. They must follow federal regulations set by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Also, interstate movers typically need a U.S. DOT number as a license for their operations across states. This distinction matters for several reasons. First, the regulatory environment affects pricing, insurance, and liability differences. Second, the scale and scope of services offered can differ, with interstate moves often involving more complex logistics. Choosing the right type of moving company ensures you meet legal requirements and have the appropriate support for your move’s specific needs.

Why Do You Need a Proper Plan for Your Idaho Relocation?

Every demanding and complex endeavor requires a good plan – and relocation is the perfect example. Because with a good plan also comes a good realization of the project you work on. This is especially important for a household relocation. The earlier you start with the preparation, the easier it will be for you to experience moving in a positive way. And the selection of interstate moving companies Idaho all has a grasp of this statement. It is in knowing that our moving advice focuses on a detailed plan before the actual move.

A person starting to write a moving checklist
Before you start dealing with any moving tasks, grab a pen and make a thorough moving plan.

A Few Moving Guidelines for You to Consider

It’s easy to become overwhelmed during the relocation process. So, any piece of advice on how to deal with the whole process can be of great help. Of course, over the course of this article, we’ll help you out as much as we can. But, for starters, we wanted to give you a few tips regarding the planning part of your move.

  • Don’t forget to make backups of all important documents
  • Cancel or transfer your utilities and subscriptions
  • Bear in mind that all the medical records need to be gathered before the move.
  • With fewer roads and service areas, the central Idaho Mountains are less prosperous than the rest of the state. If you live in this part of the Gem State, fill up your gas tank at every service area. Also, make sure to bring along a well-stocked toolbox and first-aid kit, as well as plenty of water and some provisions.
  • Most of the cities host festivals and events such as rodeos, which can draw thousands of visitors. This is yet another reason why you should plan your move before time. This way, you can avoid crowds, blocked roads, and traffic congestion.

Customize Your Move With a Plethora of Services on Offer

There are many options in front of you. Once you choose one of the best cross country moving companies Idaho has to offer for the job, you’ll be offered a plethora of moving services that will make your move simple and easy. All you have to do is to pick what suits your needs the best. Reputable and experienced moving teams will handle everything else for you. Bear in mind that some of these services are paid extra. However, they are well worth it. So, for starters, let’s take a look at some of the basic moving services that interstate movers in Idaho will offer you.

  1. Residential moving
  2. Commercial moving
  3. Storage services
  4. Furniture moving
  5. Packing services

Residential and commercial moving are the most basic services, and you essentially have to choose one. Also, if you’re moving both your business and your home from Idaho at the same time, in that case, you’ll need both. Storage services and packing services are extremely useful, and they are paid extra. However, know that reliable interstate moving companies in Idaho won’t overcharge you. They keep their rates competitive, which is the main reason why so many people ask for these services. Other than this, you’ll also encounter cross country movers in Idaho who will offer a few specialty item moving services such as:

  • Auto moving
  • Piano moving
  • Fine art moving
  • Pool table moving
  • Antiques moving
  • White glove moving

Pay Attention to Licenses and Reviews When Choosing Your Team Among Many Cross Country Moving Companies Idaho

There are two very important things you need to pay attention to prior to making a final choice on your moving team. These two are licenses and reviews. So, let’s start with the licenses. You shouldn’t even consider unlicensed movers. Hiring them is a huge risk, and as you know, taking risks is the last thing you need during the relocation. So, in order to check if certain cross country movers Idaho are licensed, visit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website. Search a company by its USDOT number, or even simply by its name.

A couple sitting on a couch and researching cross country moving companies Idaho
Take a look at the cross country moving companies Idaho reviews to make the best possible decision.

If you have seen that the company you’re considering indeed has the permits they are required to obtain, jump over to step two. Reading the reviews. See if the company has left its previous customers satisfied. Because, if they haven’t, you can safely assume that the same thing is going to happen to you. Good reviews paired with a good overall rating are the combination you should seek when hiring cross country moving companies in Idaho. If you want to find everything you need in one place, then look no further than Verified Movers reviews. Our platform has countless testimonials of people from Idaho who moved with professionals, so make sure to listen to what they had to say, and make the best choice for your relocation.

Count on Our Assistance Throughout Your Moving Process!

Moving is hard and exciting at the same time, as is every new beginning. However, you have a chance to make things easier on yourself. And all you need to do is to find one of the best cross country moving companies Idaho and ask them to help you out. While this is easier said than done, Verified Movers is here to make sure you get there. Tracking down the right movers for your interstate relocation needs to be approached carefully. You should take into account the background check we discussed in the previous section. Remember, your safety and satisfaction are what matters the most.

A woman holding a baloon with a smiley face on it
Our team at Verified Movers wants you the have the best possible moving experience.

We share the same goal of ensuring you have a relocation experience you will get to enjoy. With that in mind, you can rest assured that we will do all we can to help you find the right moving team. Our database has more than 21,000 moving experts from all over the country, and in there, the ideal team awaits you. You can decide which team is worthy of your trust based on company profiles and reviews you can browse through on our website. Eventually, if there’s anything else you want to know about, head out to the Verified Movers blog. With various tips and guides, it can be of great help when it comes to dealing with the moving process and its challenges.

Idaho Has Surprisingly Positive Moving Trends

There’s no denying that Idaho really is a very nice place to live. But even when you know this, it is still fairly surprising to see Idaho among the most moved-in states. The State of Idaho has been gaining a lot of interest lately. The main source of Idaho’s migration inflow are expensive states in the West. From 2014 until now, Idaho consistently ranked in the Top 10 states that people were moving two Last year, 60% of moves happening in Idaho were inbound, and only a few states managed to beat those numbers.

Why are people choosing to call Idaho their new home?

Idaho has great potential and many great things to offer. However, the cost of living is probably the reason why the Gem State welcomes so many newcomers. Compared to the US average, the cost of living in Idaho is approximately 12% lower. This makes Idaho one of the most affordable Western states. In part, this is due to the local production of food products, which decreases transportation costs and consequently the shelf price of groceries. In addition, Idaho has one of the lowest population densities in the country. And the land isn’t as costly as in some other states. For example, the median home price in Idaho is $443,000. While this is around the country average, it’s far less than in the majority of other states in the West, most notably California and Washington.

A capitol building in Idaho
Idaho is much easier to afford compared to some nearby states.

So, there is one thing you can save your moving budget on already. Combined with the fact that the state doesn’t collect property taxes, even if local governments do, it’s easy to see why the homeownership rate is almost 73%. The average household income comes to $92,780 and the average commute time rarely goes over 20 minutes. So, it’s clear that fuel prices aren’t as big of a budgeting issue for residents as they are in a state like California. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the transportation expenses of your cross country moving companies Idaho. Considering that Idaho truly gives its residents a chance to lead a high-quality life, it’s no wonder why the Gem State’s moving trends are among the most positive ones in the nation.

Where Are Idaho’s Newcomers Moving From?

With such a high percentage of inbound moves, it’s quite obvious that Idaho is indeed doing something right. If you were wondering where are all these people coming from, here is an answer.

  1. California
  2. Washington
  3. Oregon
  4. Utah
  5. Arizona

You’ve probably already familiar with the California exodus. People from the largest cities in California are leaving the Golden State in flocks. Considering that Idaho is much cheaper and not too far away, it is a great option for Californians. 17.000 Californians chose to go on this move each year, and over 1,000 of them go from Los Angeles to Boise, which is the most common route between these states. Boise is also one of the top places for families in Idaho, which makes it very attractive to Angelenos who are moving with kids.

A jeep on the road
Even though is not a short trip. 17.000 people moved from California to Idaho in 2021.

Obviously, it’s not all about California. Usually, the neighboring states have a lot of relocations happening between them, and that’s the case here as well. Three of Idaho’s neighbors are right behind California when it comes to sending people to the Gem State. To be fair, Washington is easily in front of both Utah and Oregon here. The Evergreen State sends over 10,000 people a year to Idaho on average. The reasons are similar as with California. Seattle is very expensive and more and more Seattleites are leaving their city. Finally, we need to mention relocations from Oregon to Idaho. This is also a common choice considering that over 7,000 people move here each year.

Moving from California to Idaho

Many people are choosing to move from California to Idaho, drawn by a combination of lower living costs, outdoor activities, and a strong emphasis on education. For instance, living in Boise, which is also one of the best places to retire in Idaho, is 29.8% cheaper than in Los Angeles, California. This significant difference can mean more financial freedom for many families and individuals. Idaho’s reputation for safety also contributes to its appeal, offering a more relaxed environment for raising a family.

The state’s varied climate introduces a change of seasons, unlike California’s predominantly warm weather. This variety allows residents to enjoy a range of activities year-round. Idaho’s abundant state and national parks are a paradise for nature lovers, offering endless opportunities for hiking, skiing, and exploring. Also, Idaho values education, providing quality options for families prioritizing schooling. The job market is another significant draw, with many finding thriving opportunities in Boise and other cities. This combination of factors makes Idaho an attractive destination for those seeking a balanced, fulfilling lifestyle away from California’s high costs and intense pace.

Moving from Washington to Idaho

People are moving from Washington to Idaho for several compelling reasons. Affordability tops the list, with Boise’s cost of living being 32% less expensive than Seattle’s. This significant difference means more budget-friendly housing and general living expenses. Idaho not only offers a more affordable lifestyle but also has strong job growth. It stands out as one of the top states for job opportunities and has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation.

Safety is another key factor; Idaho has the lowest crime rate in the Western United States, 21.3% lower than the national average. This makes it an attractive place for those prioritizing a safe, secure environment. These factors combined make Idaho a desirable destination for Washington residents seeking a more affordable, safe, and opportunity-rich life.

Moving from Oregon to Idaho

The trend of people moving from Oregon to Idaho is driven by several compelling reasons. A key factor is also affordability; for example, the cost of living in Portland, Oregon, is 23.9% higher than in Boise, Idaho. This significant difference makes Idaho an attractive destination for those looking to stretch their dollars further.

Safety is another critical consideration. Idaho’s lower crime rates compared to many Oregon cities provide peace of mind for families and individuals alike. Places in Idaho attract those seeking a secure place to live and raise children. Furthermore, Idaho’s natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities are unmatched. From vast landscapes to accessible parks and trails, outdoor enthusiasts find Idaho an ideal place to enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle. The state’s commitment to preserving natural resources while fostering a sense of community appeals to many looking for a change from Oregon’s busier urban environments. Together, these factors create a compelling case for the move from Oregon to Idaho.

Moving from Utah to Idaho

The movement from Utah to Idaho, particularly noticeable in the Boise area is very popular in recent years. Job opportunities stand at the forefront of this trend. Utah has encountered difficulties in providing sufficient employment prospects, a factor that has been discouraging for its younger population. In contrast, Boise showcases a dynamic job market, fueled by the growth of technology firms, startups, and a dynamic business scene, attracting professionals in search of better career options. Moreover, the cost of living comparison between the two states plays a significant role. With $5,683.8 in Boise, Idaho, one can enjoy a standard of living comparable to what $5,800 offers in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Entertainment and lifestyle options in Idaho also contribute to its appeal. With its rich array of outdoor activities, cultural events, and a close-knit community vibe, Boise offers a fulfilling lifestyle that resonates with those looking for a change from Utah’s landscape. These factors collectively make Idaho an enticing destination for Utah residents seeking new opportunities and a quality life.

Moving from Arizona to Idaho

Last year, 3,633 people moved from Arizona to Idaho, driven by several pressing concerns. The growing overpopulation in Arizona has led to skyrocketing rent and home prices, making it challenging for many to afford living there. Another significant push factor is the increasing poverty rates, as economic pressures mount. Also, the intense heat of Arizona’s summers, with cities like Phoenix experiencing some of the highest temperatures and air pollution levels in the nation, has become unbearable for many. The scorching weather not only affects daily life but also raises health concerns related to air quality. Financially, Idaho presents a more attractive option; it is 14.3% less expensive than Arizona, offering a reprieve for those struggling with the cost of living.

This combination of factors—economic pressures, environmental concerns, and the search for a more comfortable climate—has led many to choose Idaho as their new home, seeking relief and a better quality of life.

The Search for Better Opportunities Is the Main Reason for Those Who Decide to Leave Idaho

While Idaho does offer some great things, a portion of its residents feels like they would have better opportunities elsewhere. With Washington and Oregon so close, along with California and Colorado not too far away, it’s obvious that some people are reconsidering their options. And, if you’re one of them, that’s perfectly fine. Additionally, some Idahoans feel like the prices have gone up a bit too much. Which is, frankly, true. Idaho is still somewhat affordable, but the living costs here were much cheaper not too long ago. So, in spite of the fact that 60% of moves in Idaho are inbound, there are still legitimate reasons for a person to leave the Gem State.

Idahoans who are leaving their state are usually not going too far away

Now, we’ll cover the outbound moves in Idaho in a similar way as inbound moves. First of all, here is a list of the top 5 moving destinations for former Idahoans.

  1. Washington
  2. Utah
  3. Oregon
  4. California
  5. Arizona

The first thing that catches the eye is that we have the same states as with inbound moves, only in a slightly different order. Of course, the number of relocations is different as well, so let’s start with the first one. Washington is the number one destination, and 14,000 Idahoans relocated there last year. A state with a healthy economy and great recreational opportunities is always a great choice. In spite of all of Seattle’s struggles, that’s exactly where the majority of Idahoans are moving to. Seattle welcomed around 500 people last year from Boise. One of the safest cities in Idaho, Meridian, sent 500 people to Seattle too.

A lake in Washington with forest and mountains around it
The breathtaking nature is one of the reasons why Idahoans love Washington so much.

Utah and Oregon are almost sharing second place since both these states welcomed around 7,000 Idahoans last year. The numbers were also similar in the years before that. The largest cities of these two states, Salt Lake City and Portland, were unsurprisingly the preferred choices. Boise and Meridian are, once again, involved in the most common routes. Boise sent between 500 and 1,000 people to Salt Lake City, as well as to Portland, and Meridian is not too far behind.

Cross Country Moving Companies by Cities in Idaho

Verified Movers Is Happy to Help You Track Down Quality Interstate Movers Idaho

You need to be careful when moving across the country because moving mistakes happen more often than you think, and sometimes when you least expect them to. Small details really matter, and forgetting some of your tasks can cause many problems. That is something you’ll want to prevent at all costs, as moving problems and mistakes can cost you a lot of time, energy, and money. However, your experience needn’t be stressful at all, nor do you have to worry about making a mistake. All you have to do is pick the right moving company. At Verified Movers, such companies are at your fingertips. We have a rich selection of cross country moving companies Idaho in our database. They can help you move smoothly, in a manner that is professional, safe, and stress-free. Head out to our website, and make sure that you leave Idaho without any disturbances.

Facts About Idaho

01. Main Information

Popular Cities

Boise, Nampa, Twin Falls, Meridian


Brad Little

US Senators

Mike Crapo, Jim Risch

State Website

State Moto

Let It Be Perpetual

State Nickname

The Gem State

02. Geo Population

Area (sq mi)


Total Population


Highest Elevation

12,662 ft

Lowest Elevation

713 ft

Time Zone



03. Education

Top 5 Elementary Schools

Riverstone International School, Sun Valley Community School, Falcon Ridge Public Charter School, Troy Elementary, Palouse Prairie Charter School

Top 5 Middle Schools

Riverstone International School, Sun Valley Community School, Falcon Ridge Public Charter School, Payette Lakes Middle School, Palouse Prairie Charter School

Top 5 High Schools

Riverstone International School, Sun Valley Community School, Renaissance High School, Boise Senior High School, Meridian Medical Arts Charter School

Top 5 Colleges

University of Idaho, Boise State University, Idaho State University, Brigham Young University-Idaho, Northwest Nazarene University

04. Rates

Crime Rate

12.95 (per 1,000 residents)

Employment Rate


Average Income (household)


Poverty Rate


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best season for leaving Idaho?

Idaho is one of the coldest parts of the United States, so definitely avoid winter moves. It’s simply not worth it. You should enjoy your relocation to the fullest, which is why summer move should be your aim. The only downside to it is that cross country moving companies in Idaho are busiest during this period, which makes the prices go up. Winter moves during January are most affordable, but not recommended due to Idaho’s weather conditions.


How long will the relocation last once cross country moving companies Idaho pick up my belongings?

An interstate relocation assisted by interstate movers Idaho usually lasts between 2 and 3 weeks. However, if you’re moving all the way to the East Coast you might have to wait a bit longer than that.


Are interstate movers in Idaho going to notify me before they come to my house?

Don’t worry, you’ll have enough time to prepare for the arrival of your moving team since you’ll receive a 24-hour notice.