Written by: Nathan Steele

Oversees’ moves are much easier nowadays than they were before. Relocating from Europe to the USA and vice versa is actually common in today’s world. However, despite it being more accessible now than before, it is still a life-changing event and by no means a straightforward journey. We’re telling you this only to emphasize the importance of proper preparation. If you approach this process seriously, you can be sure of a successful outcome. Verified Movers will gladly introduce you to everything you need to know about moving to Ireland from US. And, of course, when the time comes for you to hire professionals to assist you on this journey, we will also introduce you to many companies that are eager to help you relocate.

Rocks on the coast of Ireland
As soon as the relocation is done and dusted, you’ll be able to enjoy all the astonishing landscapes in Ireland.

What do you need to move to Ireland?

As for any other country, you need a permit to live in Ireland. We’re sure you’ve already counted on that and that this is nothing new to you. So, that’s why we’ll cut to the chase right away and introduce you to all possible ways of applying for residence. These are the five most common ways:

  • Getting an employment permit by getting a job in Ireland
  • Applying for a permanent residence or citizenship based on ancestry/country of birth
  • Joining an immediate family member who is living in Ireland
  • Retiring in Ireland
  • Getting a temporary residence to study in Ireland

Now, these aren’t the only ways, but it always revolves around that. By this, we mean mostly employment permits that could be interpreted in various ways. You can simply get hired by a company in Ireland, you could be an entrepreneur or a freelancer. Whichever is the case with you, conditions are similar. You need to prove that you have a steady income of at least €50,000 (which is around $55,000 at the moment) and you would need access to some kind of an emergency fund that proves you can deal with unexpected expenses. The same conditions apply for most of these visas, including the ones that are given to people who are looking to retire there.

A woman using her laptop to find everything she needs for moving from to Ireland from US.
Make sure to research all the documentation you need for moving to Ireland from US.

As far as the visa based on ancestry or country of birth goes, these applications are more common than you think. For example, there are a lot of people with Irish heritage who are living on the East Coast all over New England. Massachusetts is one of the states where there are a lot of Irish Americans. Therefore, interstate moving companies Massachusetts are often dealing with relocations to Ireland, so know that your stuff will be safe once you hire one of these experienced moving teams. All of the aforementioned visas are permanent except for those given to students who want to pursue their education in one of the Irish universities. They will, in most cases, only get a temporary residence based on the duration of their studies.

Costs of moving and living in Ireland

Well, as you can probably assume, a move as huge as this one can not be cheap. But, with advanced shipping technologies and the evolution of the moving industry, it won’t break your budget. You have to be prepared for some costs coming your way, but it costs probably less than you think. For example, if you’re shipping your goods somewhere from the East Coast, let’s say Rhode Island, you can expect the shipping cost to be slightly less than $1,000. Sure, hiring interstate moving companies Rhode Island to help you pack and load your goods will cost some more, but it’s really worth it. When it comes to plane transport, that usually costs around $2,500. On the other hand, moves from the West Coast cost $1,500 if shipping, and $2,500 if flying your goods.

A river in Dublin
Living in Ireland, even Dublin, is not difficult to afford.

Bear in mind that these are some main expenses. Once again, once you add certain taxes, the cost of hiring movers, settling in Ireland, etc., it will probably go over $5,000. But, as we said, moves this large are never cheap. And, we’re certain that you were somewhat expecting such prices. As far as living in Ireland goes, the average salary there is €44,000 a year ($48,000). Don’t worry, this matches the living costs, and it will be more than enough. The average rent in Ireland is around €1,300 a month, while the median home price is €335,000 at the moment.

Where to settle after moving to Ireland from US?

Ireland is truly a beautiful state. The most stunning natural landscapes await you after moving there. However, before you start exploring the country, you need to settle somewhere. Dublin is the obvious choice. It’s the country’s capital and its largest city. It counts over 1 million residents. Along with Cork, it is the only city with a population of over 100,000. Limerick, Galway, and Waterford are definitely worthy of consideration as well. The thing is, it’s hard to go wrong. Each city has its charm. One thing is sure, all people from the New England region of the US are often calling interstate moving companies New Hampshire, or those from states where they live, with the intention of moving to Dublin.

Maybe the best solution is to rent an apartment first. If you’re in a situation where you can do that, that’s surely the good way to go. After a few months in Ireland, you’ll realize which cities are the best to live in. While we’re sure you won’t regret moving to Dublin, maybe some other place catches your eye. Either way, you’re in for an adventure of a lifetime.

Gather all the necessary documents and enjoy your move oversees

As we are getting ready to wrap things up, we wanted to once again emphasize the importance of preparation. Contact the Embassy of Ireland to make sure you’re not missing anything. Gather the necessary documents, prepare well for the whole moving process, and the relocation itself should be a smooth sail. After moving to Ireland from US is completed, you’ll be able to enjoy all the great things about this country, and we’re sure you’ll have so much fun in Europe.