Written by: Nathan Steele

Cross country moving is by far one of the hardest kinds of moving. The only more demanding option being moving to another continent. But no matter the distance, moving can be particularly hard when moving between two states that are nothing alike. This is exactly the case when moving from California to Colorado. Not only do you have to plan this amazingly hard and tedious move but you also have to think about what awaits you in this other state you pretty much have no experience with. That’s why, many people turn to us, Verified Movers, to help them find expert movers who can at least help alleviate some of the moving pressure. But aside from hiring moving assistance, there are a few other things you could and should do before relocating to Colorado. Just learning and implementing these few simple things will make your cross-country relocation much easier!

For an easy move from California to Colorado, start the moving process by learning!

There’s no better way to ensure your move to Colorado with one of the best moving companies in California is smooth and easy than preparing yourself in advance. Of course, that includes planning the actual move. However, it’s also very important for you to learn about Colorado itself. So without further ado, here are a few things you should know before relocating to Colorado.

A woman using an ipad.

Moving from California to Colorado will be much easier if you try to learn as much as you can about Colorado beforehand!

Colorado will be different all over

It’s safe to say that there are very few similarities between Cali and Colorado. Aside from the same, nationwide fast-food chains, there’s pretty much nothing that connects these two states. First of all, the terrain of the states is nothing alike. While California is very flat, Colorado is mountainous. Plus, Colorado is further up north. All that means that Colorado is significantly colder than California, especially in the winter. Colorado can also get quite snowy during the wintertime while snow in California is pretty much impossible. Because of that, you’ll really have to adapt after moving to Colorado from California, especially if you’ve lived your whole life in Cali.

It’s also important to note that Cali is roughly 66% larger than Colorado, but it’s home to 32 million extra people! That. naturally, means that Colorado is nowhere near as cluttered as California tends to get, especially in major city areas. So before you hire one of the best interstate moving companies Colorado has to offer to move you, think about whether you could “vibe” with Colorado and all the changes it will bring into your life. Is wearing 2 pairs of socks and defrosting your car at 5 am a-okay? That’s up to you to decide!

Yes, the way of living too…

You should also know that the way of living in Colorado is much different than that in California. In Colorado, everything tends to be much more toned-down compared to best moving companies in California. We all know how over the top Cali can be, and that is just not a thing in Colorado. Even people there act very differently to those living on the Pacific coast. If you’re used to the glitz and glam of California, moving to Colorado will definitely be a significant change for you. Whether it will be a positive change, solely depends on you, your needs, and preferences.

A couple hiking.

Life in Colorado is much different than life in California.

Different cost of living yet the same standard of living

If you currently live in California, you must know just how expensive living there can get. Especially regarding renting and buying properties. But everything else can also get pretty pricey. Even many of the top Movers in Los Angeles are ridiculously expensive. As if everyone living in California is Brad Pitt and has his bank account… Yeah, sure. Luckily for you, after relocating to Colorado, that will no longer be an issue! Colorado is roughly 20% cheaper than California. Most of the savings, though, come from housing which is a whopping 34% cheaper, no joke! And, you can expect to save in other areas too. Expect to save:

  • 7% on groceries
  • 3.4% on transportation
  • 3.9% on healthcare
  • 6.4% on utilities

These numbers might not seem that significant compared to housing. But trust us, they add up quickly. So if you’re relocating to Colorado for money reasons, among others, a move like this might be the right step for you right now!

Don’t expect the actual move to Colorado from California to be quick and easy

Another very important thing to touch upon is how hard, stressful, tiresome, and laborious moving such a long distance can be. Especially if you’re planning to drive to Colorado from California. You are likely already aware of the fact that the distance between these two states is more than 1.100 miles. And that distance is no joke when it comes to moving. It doesn’t matter if you’re moving from California to Texas, from California to New York, or even from California to Colorado, a journey of this length is 100% going to require some planning, and likely assistance.

Before your move, consider hiring professionals to help. If you do so, you’ll be able to fly to Colorado from California and have professionals deal with your move instead of you. That might make your moving experience so much easier and more enjoyable. Remember, there’s no shame in needing help. It’s only natural that you’d want someone to make things easier for you when undertaking such a difficult task.

A couple getting ready for a roadtrip.

A drive from California to Colorado will likely be long and tedious!

A move to Colorado might be something you need

A move is a great opportunity to change your life around. Of course, not everyone needs that, but just having the opportunity of switching things up is absolutely great. That said, even though moving can be very invigorating and exciting, it is also, more often than not, pretty hard and stressful. And that’s especially true for moving from California to Colorado and similar distances. But, if you stay optimistic, plan your move properly, learn about Colorado, and hire top-notch moving assistance, it’s highly likely that you’ll have a wonderful moving experience.