Written by: Madeline Blake

Although far away, Europe is definitely a lovely continent full of amazing countries. Americans have always been keen on moving overseas, although the numbers weren’t huge. But, in the post-pandemic period, these numbers have risen significantly, and now it seems like all of us know at least someone who has decided to relocate to Europe. France, England, Ireland, and Italy, are all among the popular destinations, and so is the country that is our topic here today – Spain. Our team at Verified Movers is here to discuss moving to Spain from US, things to pay attention to when relocating to Spain, the best places to live in this country, and many, many more. Ultimately, if you decide to go through with this move, we will also help you find companies that can relocate you there. So, without further ado, let’s see what moving to Spain is like.

Photo of Barcelona before the sunset
Spain is an endless source of adventures.

There are a few ways for an American citizen to relocate to Spain

Moving to a different country usually means that you have to apply for a visa. Spain is not an exception to this rule. In order to move to Spain on a permanent basis, the country will have to allow this first. So, right away, let’s see what your options are.

  • Student visa
  • Work visa
  • Golden visa
  • Job search visa
  • Permanent residency
  • Family reunification visa
  • Non-lucrative visa

One of the most typical visas is a student visa. If you are moving as a student, you probably won’t have too many issues. Of course, you would need to have an offer letter from one of Spain’s educational institutions. But if you do, don’t expect any problems. There’s a short-term student visa (less than 6 months) and a long-term student visa (6+ months). The job search visa is also related to students, as it allows them to stay in the country after getting a degree, in order to find a job in Spain.

A lighthouse in Spain.
Before you start living in one of Spain’s amazing places, you need to get your visa request approved.

Work visas are also typical in many countries. Once you get hired by a Spanish employee, you can apply for permanent residence and relocate there. Golden visas are reserved for investors, and it works for investing capital in the business as well as real estate. Non-lucrative visas are for retirees who want to settle in Spain and spend their golden days there. Permanent residence visas are for those who have already lived in Spain for 5+ years without interruptions. And finally, a family reunification visa is for those who have immediate family members in Spain. Remember that you need to check with the Embassy whether you fulfill the conditions for any of these visas. If you do, let’s see what awaits you after you’re done preparing paperwork for the move and finally completing the move to Spain from US.

Benefits of moving to Spain from US

Most Americans don’t realize how great living in Europe can be. Sure, we’ve all heard about the most famous cities like Paris, London, Rome, Madrid, Barcelona, etc., but there’s so much more to Europe than the main cities. One thing where Europe beats the USA is universal healthcare. And don’t think that it’s not adequate healthcare due to it being universal. It is actually top-notch. As far as Spain goes, first of all, this country has a warm and beautiful climate with the most wonderful places you’ll enjoy exploring. It gives you great opportunities for investment, which we have to discuss in more detail.

A building in Seville, one of many astonishing buildings you can see after moving to Spain from US.
Moving to Spain from US has many benefits.

If you manage to get a hold of a golden visa, you’ll get an opportunity to travel across the Schengen Area and other EU countries for free. Plus, there’s a big chance of getting a high return on investment. Since this visa is for investors only, you’re surely wondering if you have enough money to do this. Well, considering that you’re an American citizen, chances are that you do. If you purchase a property of over €500,000 (which is $532,000 at the moment), you will get a golden visa. This kind of money is not high considering that the median home price in the USA is near this figure. In the end, Spain is so amazing to live in that it won’t take you long to adjust as an expat, and you’ll reap the benefits of this move in no time.

Cost of living in Spain vs USA

Spain is very cheap compared to the USA. Actually, very cheap is an understatement. The cost of living in Spain is 120% lower than in the USA, which is astonishing. In Spain, you can rent a one-bedroom apartment in the city center for around $700, while in the USA, you’d struggle to find a city where the rent for the same-sized apartment would cost less than $1,500. But, of course, not everything is ideal. There’s an obvious difference in salaries. In 2023, the average yearly salary in Spain is €32,000 (approximately $34,000), while in the USA, it is $54,000. Still, with the huge cost of living difference, this move is definitely worth it and financially viable.

How much does this move cost?

The cost of an international move depends on the method of transport as well as your current location. If you intend to ship your items from Spain here are the average prices:

  1. Shipping from New York to Spain – $900
  2. Shipping from Texas to Spain – $1,900
  3. Shipping from California to Spain – $2,500

Please note that these are only the average prices and that the final price depends on the size and weight of your shipment, as well as a few other details. When it comes to air shipping, no matter what your starting point is, the average cost is $2,700.

All that’s left is to pick one of Spain’s lovely cities and jump into the moving process

Spain is really full of amazing cities. Madrid, Barcelona, Seville, Bilbao, Granada, Valencia, etc., all of them are truly wonderful to live in. Madrid and Barcelona, of course, are the most popular and will provide you with the most opportunities. So, once you choose a city to call your home, get in touch with the Consulate of Spain and start the moving process. We know that this is a huge move, but you really have no reason to be scared. After all, there are over 40,000 Americans who are currently living in Spain. Therefore, moving to Spain from US is an adventure you should embrace and make the most of. Good luck!