Written by: Kate Becker

People often get stressed thinking about moving and going through it. But, relocations don’t really have to be stressful. Especially if you consult Verified Movers in terms of choosing moving professionals. Nevertheless, If you are moving from Boston to Detroit in the near future, you might need a plan. That is how you will ensure that your move is actually something to look forward to. Any relocation signifies a new beginning and a new start. Boston is an amazing city with a lot to offer, but sometimes new cities are awaiting. No matter if you are moving for school, work, or a family business, Detroit can give you the life you are looking for.

Moving to Detroit

Detroit is the largest city in the state of Michigan and has a lot to offer to its residents. It is famous for its name “Motor City” because of Henry Ford and the birth of the modern automobile. The economy in Detroit is on the rise, there are better options for housing and jobs every day. You will also be glad to hear that it has good education options, should you need them. The city also has a diverse community, making the art and food diverse as well. So, Detroit indeed has something for everyone, and you can be sure you will have fun living here.

The view of buildings in Detroit
Detroit is a city filled with art, good food, and lots of opportunities

Economy and job opportunities in Detroit

Since the economy plays one of the biggest roles in moving to other cities, let us explore the difference between the economy in Boston and Detroit. Looking at the comparisons made in 2022., Detroit has a larger unemployment percentage. In Boston, unemployment is at 6.2% while in Detroit we are looking at 9.6%. There has been a slight improvement in job growth in the City of Detroit, and it is calculated that in the future this city will see a growth of 29.3%. And on the subject of income taxes, Boston has smaller income taxes that you need to pay. While in Detroit income taxes are 6.8%, if you continue to live in Boston, you will pay 5.1% taxes.

Understanding all this can really help you decide whether you should move and what kinds of opportunities you can have in your new city. When looking at the job opportunities and rankings of what jobs are in demand, there is a variety of industries that are sought after. A registered nurse is the most in-demand job. This position is followed by:

  • Account executive
  • Security officer
  • Physician
  • Cook

Even if you are not falling into any of the job industries in the first five most demanded jobs, don’t worry. There are other positions and jobs available as well. But if you are looking for a job and are in health, care public security, education, or food, you might be calling top movers in Detroit soon to help you move out.

Cost of living and income comparison between Boston and Detroit

Looking further into the differences and similarities between these two cities, we have to mention the cost of living of course. Based on the research, living in Detroit is actually 42.2% cheaper than living in Boston. If you are close to contacting cross country moving companies Boston has to offer, read on as this might help you make a decision. The main thing that makes this big difference in the cost of living is the median home cost, which is 89% cheaper in Detroit.

As the cost of living is cheaper in Detroit, you can actually expect to have a lower salary than you would in Boston. After the taxes, the median salary in Detroit goes around $4000 while in Boston it is around $6000. But don’t let this scare you, as you would be paying less in Detroit, for example, one person can expect monthly expenses of $2911 in Boston and $1910 in Detroit. For rent, you can look at the median rent of $2,950 in Boston and $1,151 in Detroit. If you like how this sounds, be sure to check out cross country moving companies Detroit can offer to you, as these are the professionals that will take expert care of your move.

A for rent sign in front of the house
Rent is cheaper in Detroit, meaning you can get better housing options.

Education options in Detroit

Detroit can offer many educational opportunities based on what you are looking for. The schools in Boston are generally better in the score, but Detroit has some good options as well. There are 35 private schools that your kids can enroll in. The best-scored schools are:

  • International Academy of Macomb
  • International Academy. Bloomfield Hills
  • Troy High School

Detroit can also offer 185 public schools in which there are around 80 000 kids enrolled. Since prices vary from school to school for private options, it is good to check with the wanted school. The Michigan state’s average price is $6,167 for elementary schools and $10,874 for private high schools.

How to prepare for moving from Boston to Detroit

Preparing for your move is an essential thing you need to do. And this is the exact way to avoid all the stress and unenjoyable feelings. Since moves are a huge process that doesn’t even depend just on you, having a plan makes it that much easier. Leave enough time for the whole process, and think about what you need to do and when. You can make different lists, priority lists of tasks, and even the list of top movers in Boston you’re considering. All this will ensure that you are feeling like you have everything under control. Because you will have it under control. Plans make moving easy, and it won’t turn into a messy running around with a lot of forgotten things.

Two moving company workers sitting in a van and getting ready to help someone with moving from Boston to Detroit.
Moving from Boston to Detroit needs a good plan and can be much easier with the right moving company

Have fun exploring Motor City after moving there from Boston

Once you are done with moving from Boston to Detroit, you need to settle in and make it your home. The best way to start feeling at home in the new city is to get to know it. So, start by walking in your neighborhood, and discover your new favorite coffee shops and parks. Also, there are plenty of attractions in Detroit that you can enjoy all the time now. Be sure to visit Motown Museum, The Guardian Building, Belle Isle Park, and Eastern Market for different types of fun. Also, Downtown Detroit offers a lot of restaurants, and places to go out and have a walk. One thing is sure, you won’t get bored in Motor City.