Written by: Madeline Blake

Moving day brings its challenges, many activities ranging from sorting, and packing, to the final goodbye to your old home. Before the moving day comes, reading Verified Movers reviews and choosing your moving company is a must-do. While the professional movers handle the heavy lifting, your role in managing the process remains crucial. It’s a day that demands your attention in more ways than one, not just overseeing but also ensuring you make the most out of the time. The key to a worry-free relocation lies in knowing what to do while movers are moving!

Prepare a Moving Day Kit

A successful moving day mainly depends on the little things, like keeping a moving day kit handy. This kit is like your emergency box, packed with everything you’ll need during the move and your first few hours in the new place. It’s similar to a bag for a quick trip. Make sure it has your crucial documents, wallet, keys, phone chargers, a basic toiletry set, medications, and maybe some snacks and water bottles. Also, don’t forget to pack a change of clothes and any immediate necessities for family members or pets.

A couple packing a box and talking about what to do while movers are moving their stuff.
Ensure all your essentials are in a moving day kit to avoid last-minute scrambles.

Always keeping this kit accessible, ideally in your vehicle or a marked box is one among many packing secrets you’ll need to learn. This approach prepares you for anything, from a minor headache to the need for a quick document reference, without the need to search through the maze of boxed-up belongings. Packing a box of essentials is the perfect first step to take if you are not sure what to do while movers are moving your belongings.

Final Walkthrough of the Property

After the movers load up the truck, you should take a moment for one last walkthrough of your old home. This step is your safety net to make sure nothing gets left behind. Start from the top floor and work your way down, or vice versa, checking every room, closet, and even the garage. Look behind doors, inside cabinets, and under sinks. It’s easy to overlook items when you’ve lived somewhere for a while because some spaces become so familiar that you might not notice what’s there. Turning off all the lights, securing all windows, and locking the doors are also part of this final check. This isn’t just about securing the property; it’s about ensuring that you’ve collected all your belongings. Many long distance moving companies suggest this practice as it ensures a complete transition of all your items from one place to another without leaving anything important behind.

Confirm Inventory With Movers

As the moving truck is getting ready to head out, take a moment to go over the inventory list with the movers. This moving checklist is your proof of what’s supposed to make it to the new location. Look at each item listed and confirm it’s been loaded onto the truck. If you spot any discrepancies or if there’s something you suddenly remember that isn’t listed, now is the time to bring it up. This step is about more than just checking boxes; it’s about ensuring the safety and accountability of your possessions.

Delivery man writing in a clipboard while
When it comes to what to do while movers are moving, checking whether your inventory matches the inventory made by the mover is essential.

If you have any concerns about how something was packed or if you think an item needs special attention during the move, speak up. The movers are there to help, but they can only address concerns they know about. This is your last chance to make sure everything is as it should be before your belongings set off to your new home, making this one of the most critical steps in the moving process.

Protect Your Valuables and Sensitive Information

On a moving day, keeping your valuables and personal information secure should be a top priority. This means taking special care of items like jewelry, heirlooms, and important documents. Instead of packing these items with everything else, carry them with you or use a secure service specifically for valuable goods.

A man and a woman packing a box while discussing what to do while movers are moving.
Securely pack and personally transport your valuables and sensitive documents.

When it comes to personal information, think about the risk of identity theft. Protect your electronic devices with passwords and consider backing up important digital files to a secure cloud service. If you have sensitive documents, keep them in a locked file box that you transport yourself. The aim is to protect personal information from getting lost or stolen during the busy moving process. This is crucial for commercial moving, which involves a lot of items and possibly sensitive business details. Taking extra steps to safeguard this information is vital.

Set Up Utilities and Services At the New Location

Before you even step foot in your new home, make sure you’ve arranged for the utilities and services to be up and running. This means transferring or setting up new accounts for services such as:

  • electricity
  • water
  • gas
  • the internet

Doing this ahead of time ensures that you’re not left in the dark, literally, upon arrival. It’s not just about comfort; it’s about making the transition as easy as possible for you and your family. Imagine moving in and being able to take a hot shower, charge your phone, and connect to the internet without any delays. Additionally, don’t forget to update your license and registration when you move. It’s a step that’s easily overlooked when thinking about what to do while movers are moving. This is about laying the groundwork for your new life in your new home, ensuring that all the essentials are in place from day one.

Direct Traffic and Answer Movers’ Questions

Being actively involved on moving day goes a long way in ensuring everything goes easily. Your role includes directing the movers to the right spots in your home for picking up boxes or furniture. Acting as a traffic cop in your own home, you guide the movement flow to ensure the necessary items depart as intended. When movers pose questions regarding specific items—such as the fragility of an object or the designated room for a box—your responses significantly impact the process. This role transcends merely directing; it involves ensuring the careful handling of your belongings according to your preferences.

Your guidance actively prevents confusion, accelerates the moving process, and guarantees the correct placement of your items. If you are not dealing with a local moving company, your knowledge of the area aids movers in navigating more efficiently, ensuring the safe and swift arrival of your items to their new home.

Take Measurements and Plan Layouts

Before the moving truck pulls up to your new home, have a plan for where everything will go. This doesn’t mean just eyeballing it and hoping for the best. Take the time to measure spaces in your new home and compare them to your furniture. Knowing your couch will fit perfectly against a certain wall and your dining table will comfortably sit in its new space makes the move-in process much easier. It’s about more than just fitting pieces through the door; it’s about envisioning and creating your new living space efficiently.

A woman taping cardboard to the wall.
What to do while movers are moving includes deciding on the placement of furniture and home decorations to guide movers upon arrival.

Sketching out room layouts can also be a huge help. Even a simple drawing gives movers a clear idea of where to place items, which can reduce the need for heavy lifting later. This step is about planning and precision, ensuring that each piece of furniture not only fits but also contributes to the feel and function of your new home.

Prepare for Pet and Child Safety

Moving day presents significant challenges, not only to adults but also to pets and children, who may find the experience particularly distressing. To mitigate their anxiety and ensure their safety, advanced planning is essential. For pets, identifying a calm area away from the hustle and bustle of moving activities can provide a sanctuary. Alternatively, arranging for them to spend the day at a pet care facility can ensure they remain undisturbed and comfortable. Similarly, arranging for children to stay at a relative’s or friend’s house during the most hectic parts of the move can offer them a secure environment, away from the potential hazards and stress of the moving process.

This strategy serves multiple purposes. It is not only about minimizing interference with moving tasks; it is about providing a sense of security for pets and children, ensuring they are not exposed to the unsettling effects of the move. Additionally, it acts as a preventative measure against possible accidents amid the commotion of moving day. Set up a safe space for your family so you can focus on the move. This ensures everyone’s safety and well-being, making the moving day worry-free. This method leads to an efficient move, keeping vulnerable family members safe and stress-free.

Document the Moving Process

Documenting the moving process is a step often overlooked, yet it can be crucial, especially when it comes to insurance and accountability. Before the movers arrive, take photos or videos of your belongings, paying close attention to valuable items and those in fragile condition. This visual record should include furniture, electronics, and any unique or expensive items. After the move, do the same at your new home. This documentation serves as a before-and-after comparison to ensure all items arrive in the same condition they left. If anything is damaged or missing, you’ll have concrete evidence to support your claim. Think of it as a safety net, providing you with peace of mind and protection for your possessions. Reading USA Moving Solutions reviews will show you that this company values customer feedback, and assures a respectful handling of your belongings.

Clean the Property Instead of Asking Yourself What to Do While Movers Are Moving

Once the movers have cleared out your old home, it’s time to give it a final clean. This step goes beyond simply improving the property’s appearance. It means fulfilling your lease or sale agreement obligations, often including cleaning the property before handing it over. You have the option to clean it yourself by sweeping, mopping, and wiping surfaces. Alternatively, you can hire professional cleaners to ensure the job is done thoroughly.

A woman cleaning.
Clean your old property thoroughly or arrange for professional cleaners to do it as a courtesy to the new occupants.

Cleaning the property also offers a sense of closure, allowing you to say goodbye to your old home respectfully and satisfactorily. It’s your last act of stewardship over a place that’s been an important part of your life.

Establish Communication With the New Residence

Before the moving truck pulls up to your new home, make sure you’ve communicated with your new neighbors or building management about the move-in schedule. This heads-up is not just a courtesy but can also prevent logistical headaches like blocked driveways or complaints about noise. Discussing access or parking requirements for the moving truck ensures a stress-free process for everyone involved. Establishing a good rapport with neighbors from the start sets a positive tone for your future interactions and helps integrate you into the community. It’s an essential step in making your new house feel like home.

A group of friends drinking beer.
Making friends with your new neighbors is always a great idea.

Don’t Sit Idle!

Staying proactive and knowing what to do while movers are moving is key to a successful relocation. Prepare a moving day kit, and make sure pets and kids are safe. Also, keep a record of your move to protect your belongings. Cleaning your old place and talking to new neighbors make for a good beginning. Moving isn’t just about shifting your stuff. It’s about starting a new chapter with confidence and peace. By doing these things, you make your move easier and settle into your new home ready for the future!