Written by: Nathan Steele

Moving to Las Vegas is not the same as visiting it for a couple of days. Las Vegas is mostly known for its gambling, world-class performances, and top-notch nightlife. Therefore, this is what you mostly get to see when you come to Las Vegas as a tourist. However, the everyday life of the average Las Vegas resident is much different than what you would expect. As you go further from The Strip, you will see normal neighborhoods with big family houses, people walking their dogs, playing with kids, etc. Therefore, Las Vegas offers a perfect mix of top-notch entertainment and a pretty calm lifestyle. So, you can have everything if you just decide to move to Las Vegas. But first, you have a move to prepare for and that won’t be the easiest job to do. You can hire Verified Movers and finish your relocation successfully.

What can you expect from moving to Las Vegas?   

For a city that has the nickname Sin City, Las Vegas is one of the best places for living. The Sin City part of Las Vegas mostly happens on The Strip. The other parts of Las Vegas are mostly made of friendly suburban neighborhoods, historic areas, etc. All in all, Las Vegas is a good city to move into with Las Vegas top movers. Also, living in Las Vegas comes with many benefits and many of them are not connected with nightlife and gambling. There is a whole different world in Las Vegas that many people are not aware of it. Everyone knows what to expect from visiting Las Vegas, but not many people know what it’s like to live there. Living in Las Vegas comes with the following benefits:   

  • Great weather   
  • No state income tax   
  • Affordable living costs   
  • Different types of activities and entertainment   
  • Job opportunities   
moving to Las Vegas to see the replica of Eiffel tower
You can expect a lot of interesting things from Las Vegas

You can expect great weather   

Las Vegas has a subtropical hot desert type of climate. This might sound more like a con than a pro of living in Las Vegas, but this is not the case. If you want to describe Las Vegas weather in one word, that would be warm or hot. Las Vegas has all four seasons even if might not look like that. Summer is very hot with average temperatures of 104°F. It rarely drops below 97°F or goes higher than 112°F. The good thing is that the humidity level is very low and almost never passes 10%. Winter is usually mild, but temperatures drop significantly during the night. Also, rain is more common during winter, though very rare in Las Vegas. So, if you can pick the time to move with the long distance moving companies Las Vegas, you should choose during the winter.    

One of the greatest benefits is no state income tax   

Las Vegas is one of the cities that doesn’t have a state income tax. The state gets most of its money from tourism, gambling, and high sales tax. So, if you are looking for a good place to start your business, Las Vegas might be the place for you. Also, Las Vegas could be considered an affordable city for living. The median home value is $385 000 which is the same as a national one. However, the home prices will depend mostly on the location. So, the closer you are to the Strip, the home price will be higher. For this reason, if you are looking for a more affordable house to move into with cross country moving companies Las Vegas, you should expand your search to the outskirts of the city. The rent prices also vary from location, size, etc.    

documents next to the calculator
You will not have state income taxes when moving to Las Vegas

What are popular job offers in Las Vegas?   

Finding a job in Las Vegas generally is not hard. If you are willing to work and have working experience, you won’t have a problem finding a job. The most popular jobs in Las Vegas are cashier, server, bartender, receptionist, assistant manager, etc. The biggest industry in Las Vegas is tourism, so many jobs opportunities will be in that field. Also, you can find a job relatively easily in healthcare, entertainment, finance, business, etc. The raising industry in Las Vegas is information technology. The general rule is if you don’t have a college diploma for a specific field such as healthcare, you will most able to find jobs as casino operators, fast food chains workers, and everything that is connected with tourism. Unfortunately, these jobs are not paid well as workers in Las Vegas have an average annual salary lower than on national average.   

There is always something to do in Las Vegas   

One thing you won’t worry about in Las Vegas is what you are going to do in your free time. There is always some form of entertainment in Las Vegas. If you feel bored, you can just go to the Strip and have the best of your life. You can see unique shows such as Cirque du Soleil, Blue Man Group, Iluminate, etc. Also, many famous singers have regular shows in Las Vegas such as Jennifer Lopez Celine Dion, Britney Spears, and many more. Additionally, there are many restaurants and bars that serve the most amazing food from all parts of the world. Your friends and family will come to see you often mostly because of Las Vegas entertainment. Also, you will meet new people very fast and make new friends easily in Las Vegas.   

a sign that says Las Vegas Strip
The Strip is the most popular place in Las Vegas

Why should you move to Las Vegas?   

There are many reasons why moving to Las Vegas is a great decision. You can choose from great weather, even better entertainment, affordable living costs, etc. Las Vegas excels in almost every aspect. So, there is not one good reason why you shouldn’t start preparing for your relocation to Las Vegas. All you need to do is choose the right time and moving company for your move. The best time for relocation is during winter as moving companies are less expensive and have more free moving dates to choose from. However, no matter the time you choose, relocating to Las Vegas is always a good choice.