Written by: Nathan Steele

Moving to a new home is an exciting time, but it’s crucial to ensure that your clothes are properly stored after the move. In this article, we will provide you with ten essential tips for effectively storing your clothes and maintaining their quality. As experts in everything moving-related, we are here to guide you through the process and offer valuable insights to help you create a streamlined and organized wardrobe. Furthermore, should you need any more insight into unpacking and settling-in processes, you can always turn to Verified Movers for help. We’ll ensure that every stage of your relocation goes smoothly. So, without any further ado, let’s dive into these expert tips for storing your clothes after a move.

How to store your clothes after a move properly?

We have already said that it is important that every stage of your relocation goes smoothly. That includes storing your clothes after your move. So, these are the steps you need to take:

  • sort and declutter,
  • clean before storage,
  • use appropriate storage containers,
  • invest in quality hangers and hanging storage,
  • fold and stack strategically,
  • choose cool, dry, and dark storage areas,
  • protect from pests and moths,
  • label and inventory,
  • rotate seasonal clothing,
  • check and refresh periodically.
A row of shirts
To get rid of excess clothing, consider donating

Sort and declutter

Before storing your clothes after a move, take the opportunity to sort through them and declutter. Getting rid of items you don’t use or need will simplify everything. Separate items you no longer need or wear, and consider donating or selling them. You can always give your clothes to charities or other similar organizations. Moreover, if you are worried about the consequences of the moving budget, you can always sell your clothes. Setting up garage sales is always a good option, but you can also turn to online stores. All in all, by starting with a streamlined wardrobe, you’ll make the storage process much easier and ensure that you’re only storing clothes that you genuinely love and wear.

Clean before storage

Cleaning your clothes before storing them is essential to prevent any dirt, stains, or odors from setting in. Launder or dry clean your garments according to their care instructions. Storing clean clothes not only helps maintain their freshness but also prevents any damage that dirt or stains could cause during storage. Furthermore, make sure that your clothes are thoroughly dry before storing them. Otherwise, storing your clothes while they are still wet can cause mold to grow. So, don’t risk your clothes getting ruined, and be thorough in your cleaning process.

Use appropriate storage containers

Choosing the right storage containers is crucial for keeping your clothes in excellent condition. When it comes to storing your clothes after a move, consider using:

  • Plastic bins
  • Breathable fabric bags
  • Suitcases
  • Plastic storage totes

Of course, the right storage container for your clothes should depend on your specific needs. Clear containers are recommended as they allow for easy identification of the contents, saving you time when you need to retrieve specific items.

Furthermore, if you have a large wardrobe but are not yet done settling into your new home, you can always turn to storage units. You can place your clothes there for a few days, weeks, months, etc. Just be sure to organize a storage unit adequately so you minimize any potential harm to your clothes.

Invest in quality hangers and hanging storage

Using sturdy, non-metallic hangers is essential for preserving the shape of your clothes. Invest in quality hangers to prevent stretching and maintain the integrity of your garments. Additionally, consider using hanging storage solutions such as garment racks or closet organizers to maximize space and keep your clothes easily accessible.

Hangers which are used for storing your clothes after a move
When it comes to storing your clothes after a move, high-quality hangers are a must-have

Fold and stack strategically

When folding clothes, opt for techniques that maximize space and minimize wrinkles. Folding items like sweaters, t-shirts, and jeans properly can make a significant difference in maintaining their quality. Stack your folded clothes strategically to create a neat and organized storage system. To make retrieval easier, divide your clothes into categories, such as tops, bottoms, and accessories. If you aren’t sure you are folding the clothes adequately, you can also roll them. This method is great for storing your clothes. It minimizes the chances of wrinkles and stretches while occupying minimal space.

Choose cool, dry, and dark storage areas

Selecting the right storage area is crucial for preserving your clothes. Look for cool, dry, and dark spaces in your home, such as closets, wardrobes, or under-bed storage containers. Exposure to sunlight, heat, and humidity can compromise the fabric’s integrity and lead to discoloration or musty odors.

Protect from pests and moths

Stored clothing is susceptible to damage from pests and moths. To prevent such issues, consider using cedar balls, lavender sachets, or moth repellents in your storage area. Regularly monitor and inspect your stored clothes to catch any signs of pests or moths early on, ensuring the safety of your garments.

Label and inventory

Labeling your storage containers and creating an inventory list will significantly simplify your clothing storage system. Clearly mark each container with its contents and maintain an inventory list to identify and retrieve specific items when needed easily. You can also leverage digital tools or apps to manage your inventory efficiently. Also, be sure to talk with movers and tell them which boxes to carry into which rooms. Unpacking room by room will greatly simplify the whole process of settling in.

Rotate seasonal clothing

Make the most of your storage space by rotating your clothing seasonally. Store out-of-season clothes in vacuum-sealed bags to save space and protect them from dust and pests. Before storing or wearing seasonal clothing, ensure they are properly cleaned to maintain their freshness and integrity.

Regularly check your stored clothes for any signs of damage or pests. Airing them out or laundering them before wearing them can help refresh the garments and ensure they’re ready to be used. By maintaining an organized and well-maintained storage system, you can enjoy your clothes for years to come.

Folded jeans
Regularly check your clothes for signs of pests or mold

Properly storing your clothes after a move will ensure that your garments stay untouched

Properly storing your clothes after a move is essential to maintain their quality and freshness. By following these ten expert tips, you can ensure that your wardrobe remains organized, accessible, and protected. Sort and declutter, clean before storage, choose suitable containers, invest in quality hangers, fold strategically, select appropriate storage areas, protect against pests and moths, label and inventory, rotate seasonal clothing, and check and refresh periodically. Remember, maintaining your clothes’ condition will save you time, effort, and money in the long run.