Verified Movers is here to help you reach some of the best cross country moving companies California. Our platform contains over 27,000 moving companies across the US and is easy to navigate. Within our database, there are also plenty of long distance moving companies California you can rely on if you decide to relocate between two cities in the Golden State. Relocation is simple with the right moving team at your side. Read Verified Movers reviews, find out everything you need to know, and find the best movers for your relocation!

Facts About California

01. Main Information

Popular Cities

Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento


Gavin Newsom

US Senators

Dianne Feinstein, Alex Padilla

State Website

State Moto


State Nickname

The Golden State

02. Geo Population

Area (sq mi)


Total Population


Highest Elevation

14,505 ft

Lowest Elevation

āˆ’279 ft

Time Zone



03. Education

Top 5 Elementary Schools

The Nueva, The Harker, Polytechnic, Head-Royce, The Quarry Lane

Top 5 Middle Schools

The Nueva, Crystal Springs Uplands, Castilleja, The Bishop's, The Harker

Top 5 High Schools

Harvard-Westlake, The College Preparatory, The Nueva, Stanford Online High, Crystal Springs Uplands

Top 5 Colleges

Stanford University, University of California Berkeley, University of California Los Angeles, University of Southern California, University of California San Diego

04. Rates

Crime Rate


Employment Rate


Average Income (household)


Poverty Rate
