Written by: Madeline Blake

Moving from Buffalo to Jersey City is somewhere between a “true” long-distance relocation and a local one. The driving distance is around 6 hours, which does not mean that you can afford not to prepare properly. You will still need to find a great moving company for the journey, something that Verified Movers can help you with, and learn more about both cities. In this article, we are going to provide you with everything you need to know to make the whole relocation process a lot easier. We will be touching on both Buffalo and Jersey City, as well as the relocation process itself.

Moving from Buffalo to Jersey City 101

In a nutshell, here’s what you need to do:

  • Get to know both cities before you relocate
  • Prepare for the moving process

Now, while this may sound very simple, the reality of the situation is that you are going to need a lot of time for these two tasks. Ideally, you will want to visit Jersey City at least once before the relocation, but visiting more often is preferable. Even if you hired one of the top long distance moving companies Buffalo has to offer, you will still want to adapt as soon as possible. And the easiest way to adapt is through familiarity. We will also provide you with some information about the city, to make the whole endeavor somewhat easier. But before we get to that, it might be important to know more about the city you will be moving out of, Buffalo.

a gorgeous riverside view after moving from Buffalo to Jersey City

Get to know your new area before you relocate.

Buffalo Statistics

The city of Buffalo has a population of around 260,000 people, and the median age of its residents is 33. The average family size in this city is 3, making this a popular place to raise a family. However, the city struggles with a somewhat high poverty rate. The poverty rate in Buffalo is 24.6%. This means that almost a quarter of its residents are struggling to make ends meet. The median household income follows suit, and it is only around $37.350. Due to this fact, it is no wonder that the median home value is also low, standing at only $83,000.

Pros and cons of Buffalo

While the poverty rate might be the greatest issue, Buffalo has a lot to offer that differentiates it from other cities. As you might imagine, the living costs are way less expensive than in larger cities, for one. The city also features great weather seven months out of twelve, an amazing waterfront, and great food. And there are plenty of festivals to enjoy all year round.

But there are some drawbacks, as well. The winter can be quite cold, the taxes are quite steep (total contrast to overall affordability), the schools are nothing to write home about, and the job market is not particularly lucrative. 

Moving from Buffalo to Jersey City – Get to know Jersey City

It is in your best interest to find out as much as you can about your new city before you relocate there. Since the distance from Buffalo and Jersey City is not that large, you may also want to consider hiring one of the long distance moving companies Jersey City has on offer, instead of Buffalo-based ones. The fact of the matter is that these companies will usually know the city best, but your mileage may vary. The best option you have is to conduct thorough research on moving companies before you choose one for your move. You can always utilize the services that Verified Movers offer if you want to make that particular process all but effortless. But for now, let’s take a look at your new home city.

two people packing a cardboard box

Before moving, you might want to know more about your new city.

Jersey City statistics

Similar to Buffalo, Jersey City has a population of around 265, 000. The median age of its residents is very much the same, around 34 as opposed to 33. However, this is where the similarities stop, as far as statistics are concerned. The unemployment rate in JC is only around 8%, and the median household income is quite larger, almost doubling that of Buffalo. Namely, the median household income currently stands at about $70,700. However, the median home price is also a lot higher, and it is currently at around $485,000! That is more than 4 times higher than in Buffalo! This usually means that prospective homeowners will have to either downsize or rent their homes, to start with.

Pros and cons of Jersey City

The first thing that you will notice about Jersey City is how diverse it is. You will have an opportunity to meet and interact with people from various cultures around the world. The city also features an amazing transit system, where every part is well-connected by a train or a bus. Furthermore, gas prices are quite low in JC. This is one of the cities that makes driving a car quite feasible. Even if you did not have auto moving in mind, the affordability of driving around in your own car is quite appealing. The nightlife is great, as well, and there are a lot of low-cost homes for rent. It is definitely a city that welcomes new residents.

Living in Buffalo has most likely prepared you for high taxes, which are present in JC as well. But what you might not be so accustomed to is the heavy traffic at times. Furthermore, if you have a dog, you need to know that most buildings do not allow for dogs in them. Of course, if you are buying your new home this is not an issue. Lastly, don’t be surprised about seeing rats around. They are notoriously difficult to exterminate and have been present in Jersey City for years now. Lastly, JC is famous for its movie sets. They will interrupt your routine from time to time but they can be quite entertaining as well.

a street in Jersey City

Jersey City has plenty to offer!

Moving from Buffalo to Jersey City – The relocation process

We will not go in-depth about the relocation process itself, as we have covered the topic numerous times already. Instead, we will provide you with simple, effective, guidelines:

  • Create a moving budget
  • Create a moving checklist
  • Research and hire a moving company ahead of time
  • Obtain necessary supplies
  • Organize your time and efforts
  • Don’t forget to prepare an essentials bag

If you follow these guidelines, you can be sure that your moving from Buffalo to Jersey City is going to proceed without too many issues. Of course, if you want to find out more, feel free to check out some of our other guides, or contact us directly. We are here to help you!