Written by: Madeline Blake

Serving your country by being in the military is not something everyone can do. There are so many things you are giving up on, that you will have a hard time being happy with this decision at all times. But, that is what makes you even more amazing as a person. Giving up on the things that are making you happy and are making your life much easier is what defines military movers. That is what serving your country is all about. When it comes to military moving, it is not affecting just the lives of the men who are serving in the army. Since they usually marry young and have children at a younger age than civilians, their wives and children are moving pretty often as well. It affects them in all kinds of ways. Military statistics are informative and fun, so we hope you will enjoy.

Military moving statistics and how do you handle a move?

You know the feeling of learning that you have to move once more. Your family didn’t even got used to your current home, and Uncle Sam is rushing you to get another one. You have to tell your spouse that you are moving again. Children will beg you to stay again. It really is just an ugly event every single time. But, you have to because serving is about sacrifice. And you will get used to it once more. But first, you have to move. And military moving statistics are important and interesting, so if you want to know more about them, you are in the right place. Handling military move is not hard if you are well prepared. If you have to move from Mississipi to California, you will love the nice weather and the sun. So, there is a relocation that might even suit you.

a military woman- military moving statistics

Serving in the military is not easy for the soldiers or their families

Military moving statistics- military families and stress

When you think about military relocations, you think of all the military families that lived near you and moved away in time. And deep down, you know that it is really stressful for them. nobody is happy to learn that they have to move, and many families are having real stress related to the constant moves. There are many pieces of research that show that this kind of stress is a real issue.  That is just why you can find data on this subject pretty much everywhere.

Frequent relocation has a huge influence on the entire military families. Spouses are suffering as well as any other family member. They are leaving their friends and families behind every time they move. When it comes to researchers, for military spouses, finding a job that is not affected by the frequent moves is really hard. In fact, military moving statistics show that 4 out of five of them is underemployed. This means that they are currently less paid than they were at their previous job.

a female shaped silhouett

Military spouses are mostly women, and they are usually underemployed once they move, so one in four of these women say they had a better paying job in the city they moved from

Just under half of the military families, about 49% of them are not feeling like the part of the community they are currently living in. This might seem like nothing serious, but if you and your family are feeling misplaced at all times, for a long period of time, it can have huge consequences for all the family members. The thing is, about 75% of military families surveyed have been living in their community for the last two years or less. This might be the main reason for feeling like they do not belong to the neighborhood they are living in.

How does this affect kids?

If you ever had to move with a child, you know that it’s just not very pleasant. They bond with friends and feel like they are losing a huge part of themselves. Generally, often moves are not well received when it comes to the children. One-third of military personnel stated that moving has a negative effect on their kids. This means that frequent moving is one of the top stressors in the lives of military children. It actually is one of the top stressors for them. When it comes to military moving statistics, we know that moving affects the kids.

It’s not just about the move itself. If you are moving, you have to be sure that you get the best movers that Verified Movers can recommend to help you out. If you are trying to move by yourself, the stress levels might be trough the roof and you won’t be able to do anything right.

Not just moving, but military children are worrying about what will happen to the parent that is out, departed. If you add the stress of moving, you can imagine what it’s like. Military children are more depressed as well. They are suffering from mental health issues, trauma,  and other, similar problems. They say that they feel hopeless and scared for longer periods of time, so it really shows that they are really suffering.

Keep in mind that after all that they go trough, military children become really independent and strong individuals, and you must not oversee this. They really become amazing people once they start to understand that they just had to be relocated from time to time.

How many kids are affected?

All kinds of military moves are generally pretty common, especially if you compare them to civilian moves.  When it comes to the frequent moves, and kids that have to deal with it every single day? Military moving statistic shows clear data:

  • Around 518,000 children or about 43%  that get moved are in preschool, ages between 0 and 5
  • About 517,000 kids are in primary school or about 42% and they are ages 6 and 14
  • As many as 187,000 children in high school or older, or about 15%, ages 15-22


a child's silhouette

Kids are being affected as well since military families are being moved with children

If the kids are young and have no idea of what exactly is going on, you will realize that they handle the relocation in the best possible way. No crying, explaining. All you need to do is pack the, call some of the best long-distance moving companies and enjoy your relocation. With grown-up kids, this is not as easy. They will miss their schools and friends and this can make the moving process more complicated.  Still remember, an average military child will change nine different schools on average, because of constant relocating.

How much more often are military families moving?

Military families are moving ten times more often than civilian families, so you can imagine how much change these kids are constantly going through. It really is stressful. Each active-duty military loss affects the entire family, including kids. That is the main reason for these kids to feel lonely and scared. When it comes to moving, military families are more often moving state to state than from one city to another. That is what makes the kids and the families even more alienated.

Overcoming these feelings is not so hard anymore since military families are granted all kinds of emotional and social support. You have to remember that the USA is taking care of the people who are making the sacrifice. Military kids have all kinds of camps they can attend as well, with little to no cost at all.

There are no strict rules about the places military families are moving to most often. That is because they don’t choose where they are going to be relocated. But, when it comes to getting to know if military families like moving in some cases, you will be glad to know that yes, many of the military families like to move from one state to another and enjoy learning about new places and cultures. Even moving from city to city can be an amazing thing to experience if you like traveling.

Does the Army help the military families move?

Yes, and they really help! The military is showing that it cares about you and your family yet again since they will usually cover your plane tickets or expenses if you choose to travel in your car. All of the military families that are moving because they have to, can ask for help and get it in no time. You won’t be left to figure it all out by yourself, the ARmy will take care of you. If your kids want to get to know how to adjust better and faster, they should visit Military Teens on the Move. It helps to read more about the subject before you have to actually move.

The USA flag- military moving statistics

The army is doing the best job it can at the moment to help out the military families

Military movers

When it comes to the moving companies military usually hires, there are no rules. If you are choosing a moving company for your military relocation, Verified Movers have solutions. We are representing some of the best military movers you can get. Our best long distance movers are here for you at all times. We can move you from point A to point B in no time. Getting just the right movers is a crucial part of your moving experience. If everything goes just right, you will deal with the moving process much easier, and so will your kids. Less stress is just the thing you need.

Are military moves a large part of overall moving in America when it comes to using moving companies?

Military moving statistics are showing some interesting facts in this area as well. Have in mind that the military usually funds moving for military families, most of them use professional movers. And, they do make quite a large part of families that hire professionals:

  • Individuals: 44%
  • Corporate: 38%
  • Military: 16%
  • Other federal government: 2%

In 2018, about 44% of relocations were individuals moving with thair families for private reasons. The second came in businesses with 38%. Military relocations were third-  16 % of moves. Last, with 2% of all moves were government agencies. Millennials are moving less than all previous generations. As many as 38.4% of adults ages 18-34 still lived with their parents according to a survey from 2017. This is just a part of interesting moving statistics you can inform on. You will be surprised by how many things are changing in the moving industry. 


chart of moving frequency

When it comes to determining who moves the most, single people are number one

Location of the move

There are no exact data on where do military families move to. But, we know that they make up about 16% of overall moves, so we can guess that the military moves are distributed pretty similarly to the overall moves:

  • Local: 62%
  • Intrastate: 20%
  • Interstate :15%
  • International: 3%

Military moves are hard. They can’t just choose one of the best states to live in. Military moves are all about getting moved whenever and wherever you need to.

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Local moves are generally most common ones, but military families move across the state lines pretty often as well

Time of the moves

Civilian families usually have the luxury of choosing when is the right time for them to move. About 13% of the moves happen in June, and Friday is the day of the week that is usually used for the moves most often. There are many reasons for this. June is the perfect time since it’s warm and kids are on their breaks, and Friday is great since you have the whole weekend to unpack. But, when it comes to military families, they move pretty much as soon as they have to. Every single month during the year can be the month they need to move in, depending on how quickly they have to leave. When it comes to Military moving statistics, the time of the move is all the time for military families.


Job relocations

There were about 6,370,000 moves related to the job relocations. Military moves are definitely job-related relocations. The thing is, the statistics for the overall relocations related to the job, are not exactly the same as military-related ones.

  • Changing the job 52,5%
  • Making coming to work easier 28,6%
  • Searching for a new job 7,7%
  • Other reasons 5,7%
  • Retirement 5,5%

Military moves are related to job relocations, but not with changing it or searching for a new job. They are relocating so they are closer to the job and closer to the military staff family members.

Military personnel and their families are usually moving so they are as close to the jobs as possible

Making sure that you understand that military families are really making a huge sacrifice is critical since they should be helped every time they have to relocate. There are many moving companies that are giving out military relocation discounts, and it really is making the difference. People that get relocated for their family members’ jobs have multiple associations that they can refer to every time they need support and help. Moving frequently is hard and feeling misplaced is even harder, for both spouses and their children. That is why the USA is doing it’s best every day to make sure that everyday life and relocations are made easier for these families every step of the way. When it comes to Military moving statistics, we hope you enjoyed.