Written by: Kate Becker

Moving can be rather expensive. It’s easy to rack up the cost especially if you’re moving with movers who offer all sorts of various services. Unfortunately, some people can’t afford to spend a lot of money on a move. While some other people might be able to afford the hefty price best long distance moving companies come with, but they simply don’t want to. In those cases, DIYing a move is the best option. “But isn’t it really hard to organize a DIY move?”, one might wonder. And the answer to that is, yes, it certainly can be. However, organizing a move on your own doesn’t have to be terrible. With a bit of research and effort, there’s no doubt you’ll do a heck of a good job DIYing your upcoming move!

Starting early is a must, especially when planning a DIY move

When moving by yourself it’s easy to procrastinate. There aren’t really any deadlines or tasks that are set in stone. It’s pretty much you who has to plan and schedule everything. Because of that, many people run into trouble of having to do everything last minute. However, if you have too much to do in a short amount of time, you’ll likely make mistakes and overwork yourself. For that reason, you should force yourself to start early. Because organizing a DIY move is so demanding, it’s never too early to start. So it’s better to start organizing the move even 6 months in advance than to have to do everything in 2 weeks.

A pwrson writing in a calendar.

Starting early is a sure way to ensure your DIY move is stress-free!

Plan everything in advance

Planning a move takes quite a bit of time. Because of that, you should start planning well before you actually plan on starting moving preparations. Ideally, your plan should be ready days before you start taking care of tasks. Keep in mind, though, that your plan should be realistic. Don’t expect too much from yourself and try to be realistic when it comes to time. Know that planning is not only a great way to keep your nerves intact, but also to lessen the pressure on your wallet. Starting early and planning are the best ways to save money with DIY moving. So if you wish to organize a DIY relocation for little money while still being smooth and easy, you have to have a good plan.

Executing a DIY move is much easier with a schedule

Planning, organizing, scheduling, it all sounds so similar. However, it is not. While planning and organizing will help you know what you need to do, scheduling will help you actually do it. Without a schedule, you might end up procrastinating or thinking you have more time than you actually do. That’s why having professionals by your side can be very helpful. When it’s not just you, but also professionals, you can’t just do things whenever you feel like it. You simply have to stick to a set schedule. One of the commonly known facts about long distance moving companies, that get recommended by people, is that they keep things moving. No pun intended. That’s why, you too, even without movers, should make sure to keep things moving by sticking to a strict schedule! That way you won’t have to rush anything and thus your DIY move will be stress-free and a lot more laidback.

Having help makes organizing a DIY move much easier

Having help when moving is very important. So much so that here, at Verified Movers, we specialize in helping people find help. But not everyone can afford professional help, and that’s okay. That being said, any help is better than no help. If you can’t afford professionals, your friends and family will do. Sometimes even the most basic help, like running to pick something up, can change the course of your day. So before you start preparing for a move, have a chat with people close to you and see if they’d be willing to help. Ask them what they’d be willing to do early on so that you can plan accordingly.

A woman taking a selfie with friends who helped her organize a DIY move.

Having help can speed up DIY moving!

It’s important to prepare well for packing when organizing a DIY move

Packing is one of the most tedious moving tasks. It can be very tiresome and tedious. That’s why most people rely on professionals to do it for them. There are plenty of California moving companies reviews that suggest just that, people find packing hard and overwhelming. But when trying to organize a DIY move, you have to pack yourself. Luckily, though, there are things you can do to make packing quicker and easier. First of all, you should make sure to get enough quality moving supplies. Next, you should plan out the packing process. Think about what order you should pack in and then stick to it. Obviously, make sure you have help. And lastly, do everything on time. Packing last minute can be quite nerve-racking.

DIY move organization is incomplete unless you plan a moving day as well

Another important thing to think about is your moving day. If you wish for your moving day to go smoothly, there are some things you should do. First, you shouldn’t forget to rent a moving truck or find an alternative option for transportation. Then,  make sure that your moving day essentials bag is packed and that it contains everything you might need. Also, plan out breaks, stops, and meals. We understand that moving can be stressful, but your health and well-being come first. So make sure to plan your moving day so you’re not overly stressed and under too much pressure during relocation.

A woman waking up on her moving day.

If you organize a DIY move properly, you’ll be very relaxed and content on your moving day!

Planning and organizing a move by yourself shouldn’t be exhausting!

Moving is demanding no matter the circumstances. But moving by yourself is arguably much harder than having professional help. However, it’s not as hard to organize a DIY move as it seems. But you also shouldn’t burn out by the end. That’s why you should make sure you’re DIYing your move the right way. If you do so, you’ll move smoothly and easily without risking your health or wellness.